SmartHR - HTML Mobile Template Documentation

2. Template Installation

FTP Upload:

Step 1: Open up your FTP manager and connect to your hosting

Step 2: Browse to required directory (Normally public_html)

Step 3: Upload the files inside Your Hosting folder.

3. Font

font-family:-apple-system,SF UI Text,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'

4. File Structure

Extract the zip file you received after purchase and you would find the exact below files and folders:


	├── template/                             // Main Template
	  ├── assets/                             // All Template Assets files
		  ├── css/                	  // All css into this folder
		  ├── fonts/              	  // All fonts into this folder
		  ├── img/             	 	  // All images into this folder
		  ├── js/                 	  // All js into this folder
	  ├── pages/                          	  // All Template Assets files
		  ├── add-client.html             // Other page
		  ├── rest of the html pages      // Remaining html pages
	  ├── index.html                  	  // Main index page                         
  	├── documentation/                        // Documentation Files
  	├── licensing/                  	  // Licensing Documents

5. Customization

1. How to Change Site Title

You can change the logo or replace it from img folder or you can edit it from HTML file.

2. How to Change Side Panels Directions and Effects

3. How to Change Your Menu Title

6. Important Notes

Need a help, How to configure the SmartHR HTML Mobile Template into Android and iOS platform?
Get reference on Framework7

7. Credits

We've used the following resources as listed. These are some awesome creation and we are thankful to the community.

8. Change Log

  • v1.1 - RTL version updated
  • Framework7 version updated to V2 - V3.6.2
  • New Module added - Events Module
  • New Module added - Calendar Module
  • v1.0.2 - Name Change
  • v1.0.1 - New Module added - Attendance
  • v1.0 - Initial Release

9. Fupport

If you have any queries please contact us through email: [email protected]

10. Thank You

Thank you so much for using this template

Dreamguy's Technologies Pvt Ltd,